We recommend you bring the following items if you are staying on a weekend or school holiday horse riding course:
sleeping bag & pillow or sheets & duvet.
In winter a hot water bottle
& blankets if sleeping bag is of light quality. (All rooms are heated during the Winter months)
hat (or you can hire one for $2.50 a day)
Jodhpur boots or hard
sole shoes, riding clothes, old jeans, gumboots, raincoat.
Some $2 coins for the shower and money for the shop if required.
A change
of clothes for evenings.
Summer, swimming togs (we have a private swimming pool ) sun screen &
sunhat. While
experienced riders should bring any riding clothes they possess, it is not
essential that beginners do so. We suggest soft trousers such as cords or track
suit pants for riding in preference to jeans.
No aerosols are to be brought to camp, children can be very silly with them and they play havoc with the bunkroom smoke detector system.
© Kowhai Residential School of Riding
Limited, 711 Island Road, Oxford, North Canterbury, New Zealand.
Phone (03) 3124 309 Mobile (021) 16 19 964